Green Gruff & Gruffies


Calling all dog lovers! With help from some of the leading veterinarians and scientists in the industry, Green Gruff dog supplements and CBD soft chews were developed to give dogs the support and love they need and deserve – inside and out. From behavior & mood, to skin & coat, bodily function, everyday joint stiffness, and more, Green Gruff supplements, given daily, can provide assistance and proactive support for all of these health aspects within our dogs.

Green Gruff cares so much about dogs, and everything they do is with dogs and their owners in mind.

AMR started working with Green Gruff in April of 2022, with a goal of growing the Green Gruff social media following and engagement and providing them with a more consistent social media strategy and presence. Through a mix of cute and relatable dog content, fun visuals, and video content, AMR has been able to help grow the Green Gruff social media presence, and have helped with a number of product launches, events, and partnership announcements.

In May of 2023, Green Gruff expanded the footprint in the pet industry, and launched Gruffies dog treats. Still under the Green Gruff family, dog treats are intended to be more of a typical dog treat rather than supplement, but are still thoughtfully formulated using organic ingredients to support your dog's overall health and well-being within a rewarding, irresistible treat. During the same month, AMR shifted it’s main focus to launching the Gruffies social media accounts and growing a new audience on these profiles with a similar focus on fun, sweet, and relatable dog content with a mix of educational posts, and video content.

If you’re looking for some cute dog content, or a dog lover looking for supplements or treats, Green Gruff and Gruffies have everything you need!

Green Gruff

Instagram: @GreenGruff

Facebook: Green Gruff

Twitter: @GreenGruffInc

TikTok: @GreenGruff

LinkedIn: Green Gruff


Gruffies Treats

Instagram: @GruffiesTreats

Facebook: Gruffies

Twitter: @GruffiesTreats

TikTok: @GruffiesTreats
