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How to Use Social Media to Increase Sales During COVID-19

How HAS COVID-19 Affected Businesses?

The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly transformed our world, affecting both businesses and consumers' behavior and preferences. Businesses have been hit especially hard, as many previous practices or sales methods have been deemed no longer acceptable or safe. This has forced businesses to rapidly adapt their supply chain, relationship with employees, and protocols within a matter of a few weeks.

As many consumers have adapted to this new way of online shopping, it is unlikely that this trend will die down anytime soon, as people are heavily embracing online shopping and consumption. The 2020 Global Web Index Report found that almost half of global consumers are unlikely to return to in-person shopping for "some time" or "a while" after quarantine loosens up. In fact, only 9% of individuals surveyed plan to return to their previous shopping habits ever again (Global Web Index).

As increasing numbers of people are spending less time working than normal, more people than ever are online. This has resulted in nearly every social media platform to experience record breaking-growth rates and levels of engagement, especially between early April and May. Statista found that 44% of the global population is spending more time on social media as of March 2020 than ever before. During this time, in the USA alone, it is estimated that adults are spending 25% of the time they spend using their mobile devices on social media platforms, most notably Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Pinterest (Axios).

What Does This Mean for Your Business?

The drastic increase of both online sales and social media usage has clearly increased demand for online sales. These trends have created new markets and opportunities that your business should be utilizing to its full potential! Now more than ever, you should be updating and expanding your online presence, promoting your business, and encouraging online sales.

How should your business be using social media?

Check out these 5 tips:

1.     Stop waiting and start adapting

COVID will pass, eventually. But when it does, the world will not look the same as it did before. So, don’t wait for this to happen before you begin to reintroduce your business. Instead, figure out how to bring your offerings online as soon as possible. Being online has and is only going to become more and more important. Therefore, your business should jump on this trend now. 

2.     Use your business to give back

During these times, most businesses are struggling. Even if you fall into this category, giving back to your community is extremely important. Try partnering with other small businesses to promote each other online, donate a percentage of your profits or products to those in need, or volunteer your time. Not only could such efforts help your business expand its reach, more importantly, doing so will also build relationships with your community at large.

3.     Focus on creating VALUABLE content for your consumers

Businesses should always aim to create valuable content regardless of the situation. During COVID, this is especially important, as a majority of consumers are cutting back. In order for your business to be successful, you can’t sell based on price alone (this includes discounts and promos.). Instead, focus on providing real value to your customers. This is one of the most crucial things you can do with the extra time you have on your hands, and it will pay off hugely in the long run.

4.     Position yourself as an essential service

If you offer a product or service that improves people’s quality of life and brings them joy, then you are essential. You just have to figure out a way to market and position yourself in that way. When people want something bad enough, they will always find the money for it! 

5.     Don’t try to do it all by yourself

Now, more than ever before, you need to be listening to your customers, employees, and community. Doing so allows you to address the needs and concerns of those around you, which is crucial as the future success of your business depends on if these people feel safe and supported by you. If you don’t have this part down, you won’t have a business to come back to! 

Written By: Leah Ross, AMR Digital Marketing, Copywriter