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The power of online RATINGS and Reviews

When considering buying something online, most people scroll down to see if anyone has left a review about the product or service. But the worst is when there are no reviews! Then you just have to take the seller’s word for quality. Writing reviews can also help future customers. For example, if you are unsatisfied with the product or service, leaving a review can help the seller make the necessary changes and adjustments to their offerings, and this will help others not make the same mistake. Online reviews matter! They are essentially word of mouth on steroids and, therefore, can often make or break a business. 

There are two types of media: owned and earned. Owned media is what you say and publish about yourself, while earned media is what others say about you. Online reviews are earned media. This is a relatively new concept to many businesses, as before social media, earned media mostly came from recommendations from friends and family. Today, consumers can influence perceptions with the touch of a button. And as a business owner, that’s scary! But don’t worry, there are a few ways businesses can control and encourage honesty when it comes to online ratings and reviews.

here are 4 ways your busines can and should be using reviews:

1. Ask your customers to write reviews and testimonials

Ask them to leave a genuine, honest review. Honest reviews are super valuable because knowing what your customers really think about your business is crucial to continuing to develop and innovate in ways that your customers value and want to keep coming back for.

2. Listen to your customers

If you get a negative review, ask yourself if there is anything your company can do to improve that customer's experience and how you can ensure other customers don't have the same experience

3. Don’t purchase fake reviews

It's poor form and, eventually, you'll be outed. Once this happens, there is little you can do to rebuild your customer's trust. And even though it can be hard to hear a customer's honest opinion, this feedback is far more valuable in the long-run than fake reviews can ever be.

4. Respond to every review!  

If you think you can ignore a bad review, you’re wrong. Not responding to a negative review is responding. It tells potential clients that your company isn’t concerned about past customer’s feedback/experiences. Nearly 70% of buying experiences are based on how customers feel they are being treated, so make sure all your customers feel loved and heard– even the unhappy ones.

What has been your experience with ratings and reviews? Reach out today and let us know, we’d love to hear from you!

Written By: Kassidy Aweida, AMR Digital Marketing, Influencer/ Community Manager