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Instagram Insights Explained and How to Use Them

Analytics are a hidden gem, and when used correctly, they can be your roadmap to achieving unparalleled success on social media. How is this possible? Because analytics literally tell you who your audience is, what resonates with them the most, and how you can reach them best. So, if you haven't reached your social media goals yet or can't figure out why you aren't attracting new clients, the answers are likely in your analytics.

How do you access analytics?

Every social media platform gives users some form of analytics. However, each platform has requirements on what type of accounts have access to them. TikTok requires users to switch to a Pro Account. YouTube requires a Creators Account. LinkedIn and Twitter give all personal accounts access to analytics. And for Pinterest and Facebook, you'll need a business account/page. If you are on a platform that requires you to switch to a different type of account to access analytics, we 100% recommend doing so, as you unlock valuable information that is CRUCIAL for optimizing your social media platform.

Let's turn to Instagram in specific. The platform requires users to have either a Creator or Business account to access Instagram Insights (their analytics tool). To switch to either, go to your profile, tap the three lines located on the top right of the screen, tap "Settings," tap "Account," and scroll down to "Switch to Professional Account." You will then have the option to either switch to a "Creator" or a "Business" account. Both types of accounts will provide you with analytics. Keep in mind that it may take a few days for Instagram to gather the data necessary to build your analytics report, and it only collects information for the past seven days at a time.

How to use Instagram Insights

Once you have switched to a Business or Creator account, go to your profile, click the three lines located on the top right, and tap “Insights.” There are three types of analytics Instagram Insights gives you access to, including Activity, Content, and Audience. Let’s break down each of these categories and explain how to make the most of the information you are given.

Tracking Your Analytics

Instagram Analytics gives you the hard numbers about how your account is performing, which you can use to see how far you've come, and how far you have to go until you reach your goals. So, in order to get the most out of this information, it's crucial to track these analytics over the long-term. Doing so also provides insights into what parts of your Instagram strategy are performing well and which ones need readjustment. We recommend taking a good hard look at your activity metrics and recording them at least once a month. To stay on track, it is crucial to find a system for recording data that works for you. The table below is a great starting point!

Are you currently utilizing your Instagram Analytics to their full ability? Have any questions about how to interpret the data and what you should do next? Reach out today, we are here to help!

Written By: Leah Ross, AMR Digital Marketing, Copywriter