How to Land PAID Collaborations on Instagram (regardless of how many followers you have)!


Paid collaborations aren't just for celebrities. With the right strategy, nearly anyone can score paid collabs on Instagram. But, if you want to be making real money on IG, be prepared to pitch yourself! 

Put on your sales hat and check out these 8 steps to help you monetize your account:

1. Optimize your Profile

First things first, you need a good profile pic and a high-quality feed. Then, create a bio that clearly states your niche and explains what you teach/ sell (in this case, we're selling sponsored posts and brand collaborations). And make sure to include your contact info (example: Email for collaboration inquires).

2. Media Kit

A media kit is like a social media resume, and it outlines the details and demographics of your audience. Essentially, it's a measure of your overall influence and the monetary value of what its worth (aka your pricing). You can either design this yourself or use an outside source. Pro tip: if you create an influencer profile on, they will generate a custom media kit for you for free (they even calculate your estimated price per post)!

3. Target

Make a list of 5-10 brands that you would like to work with/promote. This list should cover a range of brands (depending on your audience size). Start with smaller, boutique businesses, and work your way up to the big guys! Look for active brands in your niche on Instagram that either feature user-generated content or influencer posts on their feed.

4. Engage

Once you've created your list, make sure you're following all of these accounts and turn on notifications for when they post. Then start engaging with their content daily by liking their photos, leaving meaningful comments, watching their stories, and maybe even tagging them in some photos of you using their products. Do this for at least 2 weeks before you pitch yourself to them.

5. Pitch

When you're ready to make your pitch, start by looking for their contact information. Sending a direct email to the brand is best, but if you cannot find their address on their profile, then DM them or use their website's contact form. Introduce yourself, tell them why you love their brand, explain how they could benefit from getting their product in front of your targeted audience, and attach your media kit. You can also provide a couple of actionable ideas as to what a collaboration with you would involve; this could include sponsored posts, a blog post about them, a giveaway of one of their products, etc. Don't be afraid to get creative! Think of this as your cover letter for a job application - it is not about you. It's about how this partnership will benefit THEM!


Most brands won't respond to the first point of contact, and that's okay. Continue engaging with their content and send a follow-up email every 3-5 days.

7. Negotiate

When you finally make contact with the company, set up a phone call or in-person meeting and prepare 2 to 3 solid campaign ideas. These should be long-term partnership options (not just one post). The reason for this is because influencer marketing works best over time. After all, consumers typically need to see an item 6-8 times before they make a purchasing decision. A good way to achieve this is to create different packages. For example, a package you could present to them could include 5 sponsored posts per month, 10 stories, and 1 blog post. Be prepared to educate brands about influencer marketing (how it works, why it works, etc.). Once you've agreed upon a deal, get it in writing! You can find basic influencer marketing contracts online - download one, edit it to your needs, and use it! This is for your own protection!

8. Track the Numbers

Record all of your starting analytics during the entire campaign. Many brands won't do this, so it is good to be able to show them hard numbers of how well the campaign performed. You can also use this information as a case study for future pitches!

Side note: You can and should also pitch marketing and PR agencies (** @amr_digital  **)! Send them the same information and ask if they have any clients that would be a good fit for your audience!

So, are you ready to start getting paid collaborations on Instagram? Let us know if these tips helped you score a sweet collaboration!

Written By: Analiese Ross, AMR Digital Marketing, Founder & CEO