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The Power of LinkedIn And How to Turn Yours into A Lead Generating Machine

With over 706 million users across 200 countries, LinkedIn is undoubtedly the largest PROFESSIONAL network in the world (LinkedIn). So, what does professional mean in terms of your business' marketing and sales? It means that over 100 million of the platform's users are senior-level influencers and/or decision-makers, i.e., high-quality viewers with the power to actually BUY! To top it off, the organic reach on LinkedIn is higher than almost any other major platform, with over 9 billion organic content impressions weekly (Foundation Inc.).

LinkedIn is clearly a huge resource when it comes to networking with other professionals. And because so few users regularly post on the platform, its content hasn't become oversaturated (like so many other platforms). This is great news for you because a little can go a long way on LinkedIn!

So why not start optimizing the platform and turning your LinkedIn into a lead generating machine? Check out these 8 tips!

1. Grow your network

LinkedIn is arguably the easiest place to grow. Why? Because their search filters are off the charts. You can search for people based on company, industry, location, position, interests, etc. meaning you can narrow down on your exact target client/customer!

 2. Connect with LinkedIn Open Networkers (LION) in your industry

LION’s are LinkedIn members with large, targeted audiences that are willing to help you grow your network. They will accept almost anyone in their industry, and once they do, you will have an in (i.e., second connection) with all of their connections.

3. Publish Content at least once a week 

Out of 703 million users on LinkedIn, only 3 million share content weekly. That's barely 1%!!! And these 2 million posts are getting 9 BILLION impressions each week (Omnicore)! That means there is a HUGE opportunity to establish yourself as the thought leader just by publishing new content! Focus on creating educational/informative content (i.e., infographics, how-to videos, etc.).

4.  Publish an Article

An astounding 0.2% of LinkedIn users have ever published an article. BUT 45% of the people who read these articles are in high-level decision-making positions (Foundation Inc.). If that's not enough to convince you to hop on LinkedIn and start publishing content, then I don't know what is! Take the time to publish at least one article a month. It doesn't even have to be new content. You can re-purpose something from your Instagram, Facebook, or blog, just get it up there! 

5. Use hashtags 

Just like on Instagram, hashtags are the SEO of LinkedIn. This is how users search for and discover new content. Make sure you are using at least ten relevant hashtags in every post you publish. And put these hashtags at the end of your post (not in the body).

6. Engage with new users

Engaging with other professionals is why LinkedIn was created. We recommend searching for relevant content/users in your industry and leaving 2-3 thoughtful comments per day. Not only will this get you noticed by the leaders in your space, but you will also end up connecting with the other users who are also engaging with these posts. 

 7. Send Direct Messages

LinkedIn messaging has a three times higher response rate than regular email! AND you can message anyone in your direct network for free (and with a simple upgrade to premium, you can InMail anyone on the entire platform!). Your business should absolutely be taking advantage of this opportunity and reaching out to users in your industry regularly.

8. Optimize your personal profile

Most businesses are discovered through personal profiles, so don't neglect this space. Make sure that you have a personal profile that is fully set up and filled out IN ADDITION to having a business account. And make sure that your profile is set up to funnel traffic straight to your business. Use SEO keywords in areas that are searchable, including your headline, summary (MOST IMPORTANT), and experiences section. While LinkedIn is all about professionalism, don't be afraid to spice up your profile. Get yourself an up to date headshot for your profile picture and personalize your cover photo so that it tells viewers a bit more about yourself/ your company!

Send me a connection request at Analiese Ross - AMR Digital so that I can follow along with your LinkedIn and give you feedback!

Written By: Analiese Ross, AMR Digital Marketing, Founder & CEO