5 Types of Social Media Content Your Business Should Be Creating During COVID-19


During these trying times, it can feel uncomfortable as a business to focus on your sales. Many businesses are wondering if it is even appropriate to promote their products and services amid such tragedy. The answer to this is YES! If you have a business that can operate safely, you should absolutely be promoting your products and services. The world is desperately looking for some return to normalcy, and if your business can provide this to its customers, it's a win-win.

Here are 5 types of content that your business should be posting on its social media platform during the era of COVID-19:

1.    Updates

 20% of your businesses' content should be focused on updating your customers on the current state of your business. This includes your current hours of operations, how you are operating (in person with social distancing, pick up only, exclusively online, etc.), updated hygiene practices, new policies being implemented, and current protocols for employees. Doing so will allow you to communicate with your customers and inform them about what they can expect current and future business with you to look like.  

2.    Education  

20% of your content should be educational. This includes content on the current state of the world, your industry, and how your business has been affected by COVID-19. During these times, it can be tempting to only talk about the news and what's happening around you. And while your business needs to have this type of content, try not to go overboard. It is important to remember that practically everyone these days has been bombarded with news and the latest updates on the situation, so try to stick to one in every five posts being educational. 

3.    Sharable

20% of your businesses' content should be sharable content, which includes posts that have been reposted from other pages or that your customers themselves can repost. By creating sharable content, your business is engaging with customers. And because this type of content should ideally add value to your audience's life, they will likely remember your business and be more likely to buy from you in the future. To create sharable content, try making posts that promise rewards for actions (such as reposting) and resonate with your audiences' beliefs.  

4.    Promos and Discounts

20% of your content should be actively encouraging sales through promos and discounts. While a businesses' primary goal is to sell, it may seem counterintuitive to limit the amount of self-promoting content. But if a business focuses too heavily on this type of content, it can come across as ingenuine. By limiting this type of content to 20%, the promo and discount offers you do post will yield higher rates of sales and perform better.  

5.    Builds Community 

And lastly, 20% of your content should build your community. This includes user-generated content, reposting pictures shared by customers, and sharing things that your business has done to help your community. This type of content is important because it demonstrates how your business adds value to your customers' lives and, therefore, why people should be willing to spend their hard-earned money on your product/service. It also allows prospective costumers the chance to see what previous customers have thought about your business and the relationship your business has with its community at large. 

Written By: Leah Ross, AMR Digital Marketing, Copywriter