5 Easy Ways to immediately make your profile more discoverable on Instagram
One of the easiest ways to grow your following is to make your profile more searchable. Just like on Google, users almost never click beyond the first page of search results. In fact, studies show that 95% of all Google search traffic goes to the first page of results (Digital Synopsis)! And Instagram is no different! If you want to grow on any platform, then users have to be able to find you. Just like you would with your website, you have to outfit your Instagram page with the proper SEO so that when people search for your niche, you appear front and center!
Here are 4 Things you can (and should) do to boost your Instagram's searchability today:
1. Spruce up your username
A good username is short, easy to remember, and descriptive of what your page or business is all about. For example, instead of using @amr we chose @amr_digital.⠀
2. Optimize your profile name
This is the name that appears right under your profile photo, and is just as searchable as your username! To take advantage of this, make sure your profile name and username are different. This enables you to appear in twice as many search categories. Your profile name should also use keywords. For example, AMR Digital Marketing’s profile name is “Social Media Marketing Agency.”
3. Link your business account in your personal profile
People on Instagram usually tend to follow far more personal profiles than business profiles. So as a business, you want to take advantage of this and list your business account on your personal account. This way, anyone that followers your personal account can easily find your business account. For example, AMR’s founder, Analiese Ross lists in her bio on her personal page, “Founder of @amr_digital.” This allows her personal followers to easily find and follow AMR’s business account.
4. Apply for verification
Verified accounts rank significantly higher in Instagram’s search results compared to non-verified accounts. To apply for verification, go to “Settings,” click “Request Verification,” fill in your name and business information, upload a photo of your ID, and press “Send.” Instagram reviews all verification requests, and this process can take some time. If you do not hear anything back from the platform within a few weeks of submiting your request, consider applying again.
5. Choose an appropriate profile picture
If you are a small business or personal brand, your Instagram profile picture should be a headshot. Not a group picture, a silhouette, a full body shot, or a logo. And yes, contrary to popular belief, when running a small business page, you should not use your logo. This is because people are more likely to follow a person than a brand on social media. Once you have become a more distinguishable business that is widely known and recognized by your target audience, then you should use your logo as your profile picture.
Which of these tips are you currently using on your Instagram profile, and which ones are you going to add today? Comment below, we’d love to know! And check out AMR’s example below!