4 Ways to Improve Your YouTube Ranking


YouTube’s algorithm ranks its search results based on a variety of factors that allow it to match user’s searches with the most relevant content the site has to offer. This means that if your video is ranked highly, YouTube will show it to more users. So, what steps can you take to get your videos ranked higher on YouTube?

Here are 4 ways YOU can improve your ranking on youtube.

1.     Use keywords where you can 

When it comes to YouTube, keywords are quite literally key in terms of searchability. The YouTube algorithm looks for keywords in various locations. So, make sure to include applicable ones in all the right places. This includes: in your title, video description, tags, and the literal file name you used to upload your video to the platform. YouTube has even gotten smart enough to detect keywords that you verbally say in your video. In order to find appropriate keywords to use, try typing in keywords or phrases into the YouTube search bar and seeing what related words come up. You can also look at keywords Google associates with content that is similar to yours, as this is a good indicator of what might work well for your videos.

2.     Attract viewers with a custom thumbnail 

One of the first things viewers see when they scroll through a list of videos on YouTube is a video thumbnail picture. They use this image to determine whether they want to click on your video and spend the time watching it. This picture is not only important to viewers but also signals to YouTube’s algorithm what the video is about and, therefore, how it should be ranked. As a result, optimizing this image is just as important as having a good video title! But, don’t make the mistake of settling for an auto-generated thumbprint. Instead, upload a custom thumbnail that grabs viewer’s attention and tells them what your video is about.

3.     Focus on higher audience retention 

Audience retention is the amount of time viewers spend watching a video. YouTube's algorithm prioritizes this variable over the number of views a video gets in total (Social Media Examiner). Therefore, the higher your audience retention is, the higher YouTube ranks your video. To achieve this, focus on making high quality, valuable, and interactive content that engages with your viewers throughout the entire video. For example, at the beginning of your video, tell your viewers you have something incredibly exciting and valuable to share with them, but they'll have to watch the whole video to learn more. This type of tease incentivizes viewers to keep watching until the very end.

4.     Use YouTube analytics 

YouTube analytics tell you crucial information about your channel and how your videos perform. This information includes your audience retention, viewer demographics, which videos have performed the best, how people are finding your videos (traffic sources), what devices people are watching your videos on, and more. You should be taking full advantage of this information because it literally tells you what strategies are working and if you are reaching your target audience!

Written By: Leah Ross, AMR Digital Marketing, Copywriter